The Blog is Multi-Tenant ready

21/08/2024 — Mazz

When I started this project, one key goal was to build every tool in a way that could be used by other teams as well. Flexibility and reusability were always top of mind, which is that the blog is now fully multi-tenant ready! This means any team within the application can use the blog module for their own purposes.

Currently, this website loads blog posts specifically from the team with ID:1, which is the team. Speaking of, you might notice something new—I recently moved the main domain from to because, well, the .xyz domain just feels more fun 😄.

Here’s what I’m working on next:

  • Implementing Team Slugs: I’ll be adding slugs for teams, so URLs will be more readable than just plain IDs.
  • Enabling Image Uploads: I’m planning to add image upload functionality to the blog. I’m considering using Cloudflare R2 for this because I’ve never worked with it before
  • SEO Settings: While not the most thrilling task, I’ll also be focusing on SEO settings soon. I need to enable image uploads first, though, to ensure we have those all-important OG images in place.
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20/08/2024 — Mazz