Hello World

20/08/2024 — Mazz

Hello, world!

I'm Mazz, and this website is my newly set-up playground. As a passionate developer, I’ve always needed a space where I can freely explore and bring to life the countless ideas swirling around in my head. This site is my creative outlet, where I can experiment with all the things I've wanted to try out in the world of development.

This multi-tenant web app doesn’t have a specific purpose—much like this blog. It's all about documenting my journey as I build and develop various microtools and features. There’s no grand mission here, just a space to tinker, learn, and share my experiences.

Currently, I’m focused on building a blogging engine using Laravel and FilamentPHP. 

I have a lot in my head but this will be the next steps:

  • Expanding the Blogging Engine: My priority is to fully integrate the blogging engine within the web app, making it seamless and efficient.
  • SEO Settings: I'll be working on features that allow users to adjust SEO settings, giving more control over how content is discovered.
  • Image Uploads: I plan to enable image uploads, with potential optimizations to ensure that visuals are both high-quality and fast-loading.

While these tasks may not be groundbreaking, for me, it’s all about the joy of creating and developing. This space is where I get to experiment, learn, and most importantly, have fun with code.

So, welcome to my journey! I’m excited to see where this path takes me and to share every step of the way with you.

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